Is it good for a baby to sleep with a fan?

On hot nights it is good that our baby can sleep without stress and without being hot. For this we must make sure that it is not covered in excess and that it has good ventilation, so it is good that it sleeps with a fan.

It is not bad to use a fan for babies

Unlike what it might seem, it is not a bad thing to use a fan in the baby’s room.

According to a study in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, you can read reference in MedicaXpress, the use of a ventilator at night reduces by 72% the risk of sudden death due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide that can accumulate from the baby’s own exaltation.

The use of a fan causes this carbon dioxide CO2 to spread and dilute in the rest of the air, avoiding its accumulation.

Can a ventilator be used with a newborn baby?

The answer is yes, especially in the hottest months of the year, but respecting the recommendations to keep the fan at a certain distance from the baby’s crib and never direct the air directly. We must keep the fan in oscillating mode or direct it to a nearby area.

Is it good for a baby to sleep with a fan?
Ceiling fan in baby room

In the hottest months the baby, as elderly people or with some pathology, can suffer from heatstroke which is when the body reaches a level of heat that is difficult or impossible for it to lower.

If we want to prevent our baby from suffering from heat stroke, in addition to keeping the room ventilated with a fan, we must follow a series of recommendations:

  • Lo vestiremos con poca ropa, que sea ligera y de algodón.
  • Evitaremos salir a la calle en las horas en que el calor es más fuerte, entre las 12 del medio día y las 17:00 de la tarde, y cuando lo hagamos mantendremos al bebé en la sombra.
  • Le refrescaremos, a menudo, brazos y piernas con una toallita húmeda.
  • Si nos encontramos en días de mucho calor podemos tener un biberón con agua para ofrecerle durante el día aunque, si es lactante y pide cuando tiene necesidad posiblemente no sea necesario.
  • Evitaremos utilizar un aire acondicionado en la habitación del bebé, ya que este lo puede enfriar además de resecar el aire. Como ya hemos mencionado es más recomendable usar un ventilador, ya sea de columna o de techo.
  • Evitaremos llevar al bebé en las típicas mochilas portabebés en que van pegados al cuerpo del adulto, porque este les transmite el calor corporal.
  • Podemos aplicarle baños con agua tantas veces como sea necesario evitando utilizar agua demasiado fría.
  • A la hora de colocar la cuna debemos buscar el lugar más fresco de la casa para evitar que pase un calor innecesario.
  • Deberemos ventilar la habitación a primera hora de la mañana y a última hora para conseguir que el aire se renueve, eliminando el exceso de calor y haciendo que entre aire fresco. Esto conseguirá que la habitación se mantenga a una temperatura de confort. Si hace falta mantendremos las ventanas abiertas si con ello conseguimos que el corriente de aire refresque la habitación.
  • Si vamos a viajar con el coche que ha estado al sol, primero enfriaremos el coche con el aire acondicionado. Una vez enfriado apagaremos el aire acondicionado para introducir al nicho en su interior manteniendo el automóvil fresco mediante la apertura de ventanillas. Si aun con las ventanillas abiertas el calor es importante encenderemos el aire acondicionado, pero manteniendo al menos una ventanilla abierta para evitar que se reseque el ambiente.

A ceiling fan is a better option when there are children

If we want to avoid possible accidents, the less accessible the fan, the better, and in this case, ceiling fans are the best option.

  • Westinghouse Bendan
    Westinghouse Lighting Bendan Ventilador de Techo, 132 x 36 cm Interior R7s, 80 W, Aspas Plateadas
    • Work area: 25 m²
    • Summer / winter function
    • Cap Type: R7s
    • Includes bulbs
    • Colour: Silver
    • Includes remote control
    • Protection index: IP20
    • Number of bulbs: 1

    222.79 €

    66.09 €

    156.7 €


Whether it is a baby or small children, we will use a ceiling fan except in the case that it is in the children’s room and they sleep in a bunk bed, as it could cause them to try to touch it with the consequent danger of falling.

How to use the ventilator with a baby?

In the case of using a standing or table fan, we will avoid that it is near the bed where the baby sleeps, also avoiding that it points directly towards it, activating the oscillating rotation option, since in the case that the baby sweating the air from the fan would cause it to get cold.

Here you can see the best standing fans.

  • Rowenta Eole Infinite
    Rowenta Eole Infinite, Ventilador de Torre Potente, Temporizador de hasta 8 horas, 3 Velocidades, Mando a Distancia, Apagado Automático, Moderno, Bajo Consumo Energético, Sin Aspas, Negro VU6670
    • Colour: Black
    • Timer
    • Remote control compartment
    • Electric power: 40 W
    • Temperature indicator
    • Material: Plástico
    • Noise level: 35 dB
    • Remote control

    159.99 €

    60.99 €

    99 €


We will also put it on a low or medium speed to avoid too much noise that can make it uncomfortable to sleep.

If we opt for standing or table fans, we will try to ensure that these always come with mesh protection for the blades to prevent children from touching them with their fingers and suffering cuts or injuries.

We always have the option of opting for column fans that do not use blades and it is more difficult for them to hurt themselves.

If we have a budget and we are into futuristic design, we have a very good option in dyson fans that do not use blades.

What types of fans are there?

We have already talked about how good it is for our baby to sleep accompanied by a fan so if you are looking for one here you have several sections of our website where you can find it.

Table fans

Table fans to put them anywhere when the heat is a nuisance

Bladeless fans

Bladeless fans for designer ventilation.

Misting fans to create a cool breeze.

Misting fans to create a cool breeze.

Column fans

Tower fans when space is an issue.

Industrial fans

Industrial fans for warehouses, gyms and large spaces that must be ventilated.

Bladeless ceiling fans to add a touch of style as well as cooling.

Bladeless ceiling fans to add a touch of style as well as cooling.

Standing fans

Standing fans to ventilate more space.

Ceiling fan

Ceiling fans to have ventilation at any time in our favorite place,

Using an air conditioner in conjunction with a fan

Using an air conditioner and fan together can be beneficial in improving air circulation in a room and reducing the amount of time the air conditioner needs to run. Here are some tips on how to use them together:

  • Turn on the air conditioner first : Turn on the air conditioner and let it cool down for a few minutes before turning on the fan. In this way, the air conditioner can reduce the air temperature, and the fan can help distribute the cool air throughout the room.
  • Place the fan near the air conditioner: Place the fan near the air conditioner so it can distribute cool air throughout the room. You can also place the fan in a strategic location, such as near a window, to help move hot air out of the room.
  • Use the fan in oscillating mode: If your fan has an oscillating feature, use it to move cool air throughout the room. This can help reduce the amount of time the air conditioner needs to run and improve air circulation.
  • Adjust the temperature of the air conditioner : Once the air conditioner has cooled down the room, you can adjust the temperature so that it does not run all the time. If you feel the room is cool enough, you can turn off the air conditioner and let the fan circulate the air.

If what we need to cool is the baby’s room, we can always use an air conditioner that is not in the same room together with a fan. In this case, a portable air conditioner can be very useful.

Other factors to take into account regarding the care of our baby

Another very important factor to take into account is the level of humidity relative in the room where your baby spends more time since this can help prevent or improve symptoms of colds and infections.

For this, it is good to install a humidifier that ensures an optimal level of humidity in the baby’s environment.

Ultrasonic baby humidifiers

Humidifiers to keep your baby’s environment in optimal and healthy conditions.

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